The Office Depot Green Leaf Mark
All these products are certified by an eco-symbol that shows they reduce waste, save raw materials, save energy and are recyclable. We have created our Green Leaf Mark to show the environmental performance and benefits of the products, to develop environmental awareness and ensure that informed choices can be made when looking for more sustainable product choices and promote the consumption of the most environmentally friendly products we have available in the Office Depot range.
Put simply, the Office Depot Green Leaf Mark has two main objectives:
1. To improve the environmental sustainability of products.
2. To Improve consumption patterns and offer all our customers more information so they can make more sustainable choices.
Does this include the packaging?
Sustainable packaging is a crucial part of the Office Depot Green Leaf Mark, and we are working hard with our suppliers to find more environmental packaging alternatives to single use plastic.
We have committed to reducing the use of single use plastics in all the products we sell. We want to achieve a 25% reduction in the use of all plastic by 2028 and eliminate all non-recyclable plastics by 2035. We support the work the UK Plastic Pac are championing and are working with our suppliers to help them to be more transparent when it comes to packaging.
We are asking all our supplier to join us to committing to the UK Plastic Pac’s four objectives that will help drive forward achieving more environmental product and packaging solutions.
1. Eliminating problematic or unnecessary single-use packaging through redesign, innovation or alternative (reuse) delivery models
2. Work towards making 100% of plastic packaging reusable, recyclable, or compostable
3. Work towards making 70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled or composted
4. Work towards making 30% average recycled content across all plastic packaging
How can you shop for more sustainable products on our online platforms?
While searching for products on our online platforms, you’ll see our Green Leaf Mark on eligible products. You can also see this mark on the product’s information page, where you can learn more about the certifications that make the product Green Leaf friendly.
What makes products qualify for a Green Leaf Mark?
As part of the Office Depot Green Leaf Mark, we have asked all our suppliers to provide us with detailed product knowledge on which products we sell meet the following globally recognised quality standards. Any products available on our online platforms that meet one or more of these standards will be given the Office Depot Green Leaf Mark with further information about how these standards have been met detailed in the product information for each individual product.
Over the coming months and years, we will be working hard to award further Green Leaf Marks to products across all our ranges to make it easier for our customers to make better, more informed sustainable choices. We will also be adding more accreditations to those outlined below:
Made of 70% recycled plastics, often seen on food and soft drinks packaging
Recycled Content
Recyclable content in packaging and product is made of materials that can be used again, usually after processing. Recyclable materials include glass, metal, card, paper and – increasingly – certain plastics
Product needs to contain a minimum of 30% or more postconsumer and/or pre- consumer recycled content (by weight).
Remanufactured or reused packaging
Product made with quality components from previously used products and products that replace one-time use disposable items. Contains 30% or more material recovered from previously used products (by weight)
On Pack Recycling Label
The On-Pack Recycling Label operates in the UK to provide a standard consumer recycling label, which is simple, consistent, evidence led and provides sufficient information to make it easy for consumers to recycle more packaging, more often.
EU Ecolabel
The EU Ecolabel promotes the circular economy by encouraging producers to generate less waste and CO2 during the manufacturing process as well as encourage companies to develop products that are durable, easy to repair and recycle. This can apply to the product or the packaging that it includes. Well used in Europe as it is a EU focused mark.
NF Environment Ecolabel
This is a voluntary EU mark that is still relevant for consideration. UK Government used to back this across the UK and still benchmarks in NI due to Brexit trade deal.
This label distinguishes goods and their packaging with low environmental impact throughout their life cycle.
Packaging made from paper / card / wood sourced from FSE approved sources.
FSC certification promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests through third party verification of the supply chain.
The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. It works throughout the entire forest supply chain to promote good practice in the forest and to ensure that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with respect for ecological, social and ethical standard
Fairtrade is an ethical trade system that puts people first. Fairtrade offers farmers and workers in developing countries a better deal, and the opportunity to improve their lives and invest in their future. Fairtrade gives consumers the opportunity to help reduce poverty and instigate change through everyday shopping.
The Rainforest Alliance Certified ™
The Rainforest Alliance Certified™ seal ensures that a product comes from a farm or forest operation that meets comprehensive standards that protect the environment and promote the rights and well-being of workers, their families and communities. Products that carry the green frog seal include coffee, tea, chocolate, fruit, ready to drink beverages and juices, flowers, paper and tissue products
Nordic Swan Ecolabel
Demonstrates that a product is a good environmental choice. The “Swan” symbol, as it is known in Nordic countries, is available for 65 product groups.
Cradle to Cradle
The Cradle to Cradle Certified (CM) Products Program provides a company with a means to demonstrate efforts in eco-intelligent design. Cradle to Cradle Certification is a third-party sustainability label that requires achievement across multiple attributes: use materials that are safe for human health and the environment through all use phases, product and system design for material reutilization, such as recycling or composting, use of renewable energy, efficient use of water, and maximum water quality associated with production, company strategies for social responsibility.