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To invest or not to invest in premium bad weather workwear?

In the realm of workplace safety and productivity, the choice of workwear holds a pivotal role that extends far beyond attire. While the temptation to opt for cheaper, low-quality options may seem appealing at first, the hidden dangers lurking beneath the surface paint a different picture altogether. We delve into the critical decision of whether to invest in premium foul weather workwear or settle for less, and the implications it carries for both businesses and their workforce. The hidden dangers of poor-quality workwear Cheaply made workwear often falls short in terms of construction and safety features, leaving workers vulnerable to

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10 Reasons to Use the RM6299 Office Solutions Framework with Office Depot

For those working in Public Sector procurement teams, you may be tasked with boosting compliance across purchases in your organisation. Or perhaps you’re struggling to monitor outgoing costs for everyday office essentials? Whatever your challenges, we can work with you through the CCS-compliant Office Solutions framework to help. In this article, we will explore ten reasons why organisations should work with Office Depot to purchase a range of office essentials through the RM6299 framework. 1. Diverse Product Range: The RM6299 Office Solutions Framework offers an extensive selection of office essentials across Lot 1 and Lot 2. Office Stationery and Electronic

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Office Depot named as supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s Office Solutions Framework

Office Depot has been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) RM6299 Office Solutions agreement. Office Depot has been evaluated by CCS as capable of delivering the requirements across the framework’s Lot 1 and Lot 2. This will see Office Depot provide core products across Office Stationery and Electronic Office Supplies (EOS) through Lot 1, and further call-off EOS through Lot 2. Under the agreement, Office Depot’s online e-commerce solution, alongside direct contact with the company’s experienced account management team, will provide Government Departments and Public Sector Organisations with procurement options that allow users to order pre-approved products

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Prioritising Employee Health and Safety: A Cornerstone of Workplace Success

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of modern businesses, it’s crucial not to neglect the health and safety of employees. The goals of productivity, innovation, and profitability cannot be achieved if the well-being of the workforce isn’t prioritised. Ensuring that employees are physically and mentally healthy is a legal obligation, but also a strategic and moral necessity for businesses and organisations. Although implementing safety measures requires initial costs, it is significantly less expensive than the costs associated with workplace accidents or illnesses. For example, between 2022 and 2023, there were 561,000 reported workplace injuries in the UK, which resulted in

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Five ways to bring sustainability and social value to your supply chain

Recently, it feels as though world has woken up to an urgent need to be greener, with businesses and individuals from all walks of life seeking changes they can make to become more sustainable for the good of the planet — and its future inhabitants. And, as this target gains more momentum, so too does pressure from investors, shareholders, customers, and colleagues, for companies to push the sustainability agenda within their own supply chains — boosting the environmental, social, and economic performance throughout the entire lifecycle. While incorporating sustainability into your procurement process may feel like a challenging feat, failure

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