Item Sourcing

Partnering with you for maximum cost savings.

There’s no item too rare, no product too ‘out there’, and no request too big or small for our specialist item sourcing teams. We’re highly experienced in locating products across a range of sectors, including public sector, finance, retail, and legal, among others.

For niche products you just can’t get anywhere else, we can efficiently source it for you and deliver it on time and within budget, every time.

Plus, you can benefit from one single invoice for all your supply needs, making Office Depot the preferred partner for businesses that prioritise convenience and efficiency.

The key benefits to collaborating with our sourcing team

Free up internal resources

By outsourcing your sourcing needs to our specialist teams, you can free up your internal resources to focus on business-critical activities and revenue generating tasks instead.

Harness the power of our network

Through our network of trusted suppliers, you can benefit from economies of scale and a breadth of product choice.

Boost supply chain compliance

Remaining compliant is crucial, and by working with us, you can be confident that we understand the challenges faced in your specific industry and can work with you to boost your sustainability and other compliance credentials where needed.

One invoice for all your purchasing

All special products sourced are added to the same invoice as your regular workplace supplies, simplifying your procurement process and saving you time and resources.

Enhance spend control and visibility

With consolidating Management Information (MI) reports, you can take control of your spend by gaining full visibility of expenditure.

Why choose Office Depot as your trusted partner?

Reduce costs

Reduce costs

Increase efficencies

Increase efficencies

Reduce supplier count

Reduce supplier count

Boost compliance

Boost compliance

Improve spend visibility

Improve spend visibility

Enhance distribution

Enhance distribution

Discover more impactful solutions from Office Depot

End-to-end solutions

Through our sister companies, we can provide everything your business needs for smooth operations.

Cost saving

Dedicated unique or rare item sourcing team for every sector, delivered on time and within budget.

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